The Secret of the Universe in a Geometric Object

Written by Andrés Gómez Emilsson on 22 September 2023.

This post is a contribution to the second Qualia Research Institute psychophysics retreat, which took place from 2 September 2023 to 20 September 2023 in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada.

Towards the end of the retreat I was exposed to a lot of intense visions by some of the more mathematically oriented folks. Among which, someone related a vision involving arcane religious figures showing them a black box containing the “final answer to the universe”. These visions had been happening since childhood. But this week, they said, they finally experienced the resolution of this vision. Namely, that the box opened up. They were shown the answer to “everything”, which turned out to be… the Tetragrammaton. They stated that what was expressed in this vision was somehow the sum total of all possible mathematical objects and all possible stories and all possible body positions at once.

Ok, fast-forward 12 hours. I was still too energized from all of the exploration and conversation in the retreat and couldn’t sleep. I took a tiny dose of 5-MeO from a vape. That was enough to trigger a sense of an epiphany. In particular, the culmination of many of the threads of the retreat coming together and the bizarre notion that you could have a mathematical object or phrase that encodes the most important information about the whole universe, all of reality. What is it? It’s something that contains all the names of God. All of the ways in which… well here is the thing.

This is the Cosmic Giggle. Like, we all grew up embedded in the Mainstream, more or less, with a collective notion of a basic shared reality. But then we once in a while we encounter people in religions, or secret societies, or meditation circles, that really seem to care about shapes. And numbers. And sometimes color. But definitely shapes and numbers. They ascribe to them some sort of profound significance. Interestingly, too, mathematicians do this as well. Not to say of the state of mind created by classic psychedelics, and then much more so for N,N-DMT, and then on yet a whole new level 5-MeO-DMT. Now imagine being in the context of a group of people who “replicate” psychedelic effects in visual and geometric ways, physicists, advanced meditators, and phenomenologists in a sort of temporary secret society that considers the structure of experience to be the source of value (cf. valence structuralism). You could imagine that this would be capable of focusing a lot of energy in the gentle, determined, pursuit of really deeply integrating the significance of shapes, and numbers, in a new conception of reality.

For me, this facet of the experience was focused on noticing how attention and awareness interplay with each other to generate shapes. In other words, I focused on studying the structure of experience and mindfully taking note of how attention and awareness worked together to interweave a 5-MeO-DMT experience. Then again, my bias is mathematical and phenomenological. A lot of my experiences have a lot of metacognition elements to them, which I think was common in this group. But now imagine… you are paying close attention to the ways in which the field of experience “syncs up to itself” (see Frank Yang’s description around 1:20), and you notice that there are in fact many ways for that to happen. Each one a gift from the divine.

One example is meditation on expansion and contraction at the same time. As we will discuss later, this is an important “element” in the Periodic Table of Insights to catalog. Another example is center and periphery switching places in phase between two attentional streams that mirror each other with a slight delay. Another is the self-other complementarity. Another one is large and small. Another is near and far. Another is one edge of the double helix in complement with the other edge. And so on.

Each of these pairs lend themselves to being “two sides of the same coin” for reality to “sync up to itself” and forge a smooth (phenomenal) space along the way. By this I mean, that as the two halves are harmonizing with each other, it feels that there is now a new field because there are new waves that move through you. Importantly, there is a kind of duality between the degree to which the two halves merge with each other and the degree to which they somehow create a new field together that can be used to send waves and equalize forces. When you are syncing up with yourself in multiple ways at once, this field will be high dimensional.

The advanced states of mystical bliss involve high dimensional fields like this and complement each other well. And at the core, the level of freedom is unparalleled. It’s as if the loss of a center by surrendering to the eigenmodes of your being liberates the field from the constraints of being a human.

In retrospect, from this perspective, human desires and ecstasies were all special cases of the ways in which the field can complement itself in multiple ways at once.

So here is where the Cosmic Giggle becomes apparent. The Rosetta Stone of deep reality – you know, whatever the Sacred Geometry people are hinting at at the deepest level – is a mathematical object that shows you all of the ways in which you can divide the field into two complementary parts that can oscillate with one another. That is, this mathematical object was a map for all of the ways in which reality can make love to itself. And in the optimistic case, where we realize its highest potential, perhaps even work as a map that points to the highest state, which is the coexistence of all of the complementary oscillations at once in harmony. Well, that last bit is a wild guess, like most of this, of course. smiles

In case you didn’t get the joke, the bottom line was that the Tetragrammaton/Flower of Life/Mayan Code conceived as the answer to the ultimate questions of reality are maps that show all of the ways in which reality can love itself.

Hyperdimensional Tetragrammaton shows all the ways reality can make love to itself. :-)


For attribution, please cite this work as:


Gómez-Emilsson (2023, September 22). The Secret of the Universe in a Geometric Object.


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