
Written by Symmetric Vision on 15 August 2024.

This post is a contribution to the second Qualia Research Institute psychophysics retreat, which took place from 2 September 2023 to 20 September 2023 in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada.

Table of contents

4-AcO-DMT — 20 mg


4acoRoadcrystals.mp4 (Hypnagogic Quasicrystals, seven layers)

5-MeO-DMT — 1 mg


Sense of overwhelming grounded peace. Change of breathing patterns, somehow feels like body understands this state and knows what to do, so it’s easier to unattach from breathing, that seems to be quite a tricky thing to do on first DMT experiences.


Sense of all fear I’ve built up before and for this experience has disappeared and curiosity kicks in.


Slight noise-like stimulation of body and eyelids, almost producing visible static noise, but they are not really visible.



5-MeO-DMT — 2 mg


Intense body euphoria, feeling like body is starting to disintegrate into light, cell by cell. My mind is very aware of each cell “dying/transitioning/vaporizing”.


Mind feels like approaching point of letting go and is trying really hard to attach to something and is usually able to, at this dose. Very strong urge to go further, since this state feels slightly uncomfortable.


Visually, some slightly noticeable static noise with particles emerging and disappearing, kind of like embers from fire or when you hit your head, the dots you could see. These points are very distinct but very dim as the rest of image. During their lifetime they all fly in distinct paths and all of them together start forming some sort of geometric pattern, never really achieving coherence, homeostasis.



5-MeO-DMT — 4-5 mg


Very intense body euphoria, very inviting/encouraging to “let go”. All my cells seem to reach a state of being dissolved in pure light/energy, that I’m still somehow aware of. Very physically intense state, but at the same time feeling of not having any body.


Mind knows that it’s approaching ego death and is very close. Rational mind tries really hard to convince me to stop, attempting to attach itself to everything I find dear. At the same time I’m also in an observer mode and am very aware of my ego trying to survive so I feel strong encouragement to take another toke. Happens every time at this dose.


Geometric patterns formed by these eye-floaters now are starting to have very huge sense of depth. Still barely visible, but very feelable with body and whole being. Is like being in a temple in a dark but still being able to perceive it fully, hard to describe. Even though this geometric soup is already very complex, it’s still in homeostasis attempting to synchronize but never really getting there. Some voronoi-like patterns emerging.



5-MeO-DMT — 8 mg


Pure bliss, body is irrelevant at this point, just white boundless light.


Last moment before breakthrough, feeling “on-edge” and every part of my mind is telling me that I should go for full breakthrough. This might be context relevant because I was looking for this experience for years. Sense of dying, mind hanging on the last known bits about this life. Very rapid mental flashes of “important stuff”, like people, lessons, love, life, gratitude, etc. Mind knows that it will benefit greatly from reaching full breakthrough.


The geometric patterns are very close to reaching state of collective coherence. It’s like this loop where they try to get in that organized state but jump back a bit and then try again. Entire boundless space is getting filled with invisible structures that are sort of only visible because of light bouncing off them. These are visible only at the brief millisecond moments of coherence. Feels like a full breakthrough will sync everything up.

5-MeO-DMT — 12-18 mg (guesstimated) — Full breakthrough


Pure bliss, all awareness of ever having had a body completely gone. Physical sense of being vibrating light, while being in a empty void.


Finally I know how it feels to fully let go. Indescribeable amounts of gratitude. All I hope is I get to remember and share this feeling. Feeling of infinite, ouroboros, cyclical nature of reality, life.


Geometry and movement reaches full coherence and now the infinite bright light space is filled with complex geometric structures/lattices that seem transparent, but somehow have space. There’s vague memory of entity figures emerging from light. More “divine” in a sense, than “alien” like with DMT for example.


For attribution, please cite this work as:


Vision (2024, August 15). Replications.


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  title = {Replications},
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  year = {2024}